Rose Cottage, Gloucestershire
The original Cottage was probably constructed in the late 18th Century and has been extensively modified and enlarged since that date. We designed this two-story extension to be built against the north extension constructed in the 1940’s. It now provides a living space with access and views out to a lovely garden and an additional bedroom and en suite shower room on the second floor. This extension has precedence as it is a continuation of the many alterations and extensions carried out to the property during its 250 year history. These changes have incrementally improved the appearance of the property and our design always intended to continue this tradition. Several design options were considered including an un-ashamedly modern design down to a pastiche ‘Cotswold’ style. Other considerations were whether to have a free- standing extension joined to the house by a “minimal” link or building on to the north gable under an extended roof.
One difficulty was reconciling the open glazing from the living space onto the garden with the solid structure of the bedroom above. This was overcome by creating the perception of a “lighter” construction above the glazing using timber boarding. The introduction of a new material to the house also clearly shows that this it a contemporary addition.
In conclusion, this modern two-storey extension, whilst referencing traditional materials and form of the house, provide an unequivocal statement clearly showing that the building is of the 21st Century and is another chapter in the development of the property.